Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Why SEO and PPC should go hand in hand

Careful analysis of data giving by both search engine optimization (SEO) and PPC campaign feedback can be useful to the effectiveness of both.

Search engine optimization (SEO) novices are regularly tempted to optimize their sites to drive the complete maximum possible traffic to the front page. That's a laudable goal, but it's still secondary to the want for tall levels of conversions, rather than high levels of traffic. High traffic and low conversion produces what is called "bounce rate," Google analytics definition of the term: "Bounce rate is when people get to your website, puke, and leave."

PPC analytics can help give search engine optimization (SEO) professionals with the type of tough data that can lead to more shrewdly designed SEO efforts. Prying high-conversion terms from analyzed data can be simplified by incorporating PPC information.

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